People have been fascinated by Fuþark runes for centuries, as their symbolism and meaning have been shrouded in mystery. They were used in witchcraft and for divination, but were also the primary method of writing and recording information before the Latin writing systems made their way into Northern Europe.
Infused with Norse mythology, the Futhark runes still serve as a crucial key to the cultural heritage of the Icelandic people. The book "Runes: The Icelandic Book of Futhark" introduces three different but related forms of runic systems in chronological order: Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, and Icelandic Futhark.
The book is based on academic studies, but presents the three runic systems in an accessible way, allowing readers to delve deeper into the meaning of each rune as well as gain a better understanding of how the runic systems have developed.